Monday, October 1, 2007

road workers

One of the few really hard things to watch in Bhutan is road work.. Always done by labourers from India. Back breaking. Often with terrible living conditions - shacks that are often only about one meter high, so I can't imagine what it's like during the monsoon..

My outsider view of it is that Bhutan takes advantage of Indian labourers, who would often be in even worse conditions in India it is true, and justifies their minimal wage and living conditions by saying just that "they'd be worse off in India"... why they can't be paid a bit more, or given a couple more tin sheets so their buildings could be at least human height, I'm not too sure...

And right now there are lots of them - they're trying to widen all the roads, especially the one from the airport to the capital, by next year (the coronation of the 5th king, democracy etc..)..

Some women road workers.. All that stone... it's broken by hand..
Align CenterMother and child

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